Scientifically known as Cimex lectularius Linnaeus, bed bugs gained their notoriety from being constantly found in beds whether in personal homes, hotel, shelters etc. Due to an increase in persons traveling and being constantly on the move; bed bugs have also adapted and are traveling wherever you go. Bed bugs can easily hide in various cracks and crevices making it easy for them to be transported from one location to another.
If you think you have seen a bed bug; the best way to determine this is by contacting an exterminator who will conduct a thorough inspection. Should you feel the need to conduct your own inspection for bed bugs in your home, business etc. here are a few indicators to look for.
Common household products can be used to prevent a spread of bed bugs in the area that they have lodges but the best way to get rid of these bugs is to contact a professional who would be a able to do a thorough job in eradicating the issue and conduct follow-up preventative treatments.